The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) or Deming cycle stands as a fundamental framework. However, a question often arises: Why do we need the Act phase when we could simply move from Check to Plan?
Standardize successful practices
The key role of the Act phase is to standardize successful practices identified during the Check phase. This phase ensures that these successes are recognised and embedded into regular operations. In other words, we are securing the best practices that have been established in the Check phase.
The PDCA cycle is being used to continuously improve the marketing of a digital product. Plan: Creating social media content to generate leads. Do: Generate and publish content. Check: Analysing if the content generates leads. Act: Establish a content plan to ensure the generation and publication of content.
When does the cycle start again?
The cycle starts again after the best practices have been secured in the act phase. Meaning that the current process is embedded in the organisation and driving positive results.
Continuing from our previous example. The cycle starts again after the successful practises have been secured in the organisation. We can now make new plans to further improve the content marketing process. Or start a new strategy if the previous process did not lead to the expected results.
The Act phase secures the improvements of the process, providing a solid foundation for the next cycle without leaving any loose ends.
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